torsdag 23 oktober 2008

Another crappy day

Since no one is actually going to read this piece of shit anyway I'm just going to use it to let of some steam.

First of all LIFE SUCKS! FACT! If you think it doesn't then GOOD FOR YOU, but you are WRONG! Kidding yourself! Don't stop doing that though, the moment you realize the truth is the moment you start wishing you had not.

MONEY Something we need to survive these days. You aint got it? To bad because you are screwed! You need it for rent, food etc. If you happen to live in a country where you can get a job, THEN GOT A JOB AND STOP READING THIS! I however happen to live in NOJOBISTAN aka Sweden. Sure there are some jobs, if you happen to have 500 years of experience, at least 55 degrees in computer science and know at least a few Presidents of major companies. Otherwise you are fucked. I'm not kidding! I can't even get a frickin job as a toilet cleaner and I've got at least 3 years of collage education.

PEOPLE Basic fact of life. People are stupid and mean and will always fuck you if they can. This is ecpacially try when you are such a fuckable person like myself. Yes that's right! i'm a total pussy!

CAPITALISM is good for some, bad for people like me who get fucked by it. It will treat you well as long as you are a ruthless son of a bitch who expoit others.

Basicly fucks everything up for everyone and thus creating a place where people can live in harmony and shit. Of course some people are going to rise up and become the opressors, but as long as you suck their dick and agree with whatever they do, you'll be just fine. If you tend to get fucked in a socialistic society you are doing something wrong, like believing you can say what you want.

ANARCHY This is the government form where we basicly say "FUCK THIS SHIT I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ANYMORE" and commit collective suicide.

FACISM Basicly like socialism, just shut up and say yes sir a lot and do whatever salute your Presidente has decided looks totally elite. Unlike socialism however you may not get free healthcare and other things to keep you alive so sucking dick becomes even more important (or pussy if you happen to have a female dictator).

YOU yes you who are reading this (If anyone) Stop reading this crap. It's not funny, it's not interesting, it's not boobs. Just the ramblings of a self-destructive meatbag who has nothing better to do than getting mad at every little thing in this life.